Programming Questions asked for NCET CodingClub Monsters Hunt
CodingClub Facebook Page: Click Here1)Find the nth number in the series
Series: 1 5 13 25 41 61 85 113
Simple Input and Output
Input: 5
Output: 41
2)Monsters hate zeros help them in finding the correct digits.Prove that "a+b+c=d" where a,b,c, and d are Integers.
Condition: Remove all the zeros if present in a,b,c, and d
Simple Input and Output:
Test Case 1:
Input : 101 102 103 306
Output: Valid
Test Case 2:
Input : 1010 1002 0103 2115
Output: Invalid
3)Print the Pattern
For solutions Click Here
Cheers keep coding.
Easy questions