Programming Questions on Numbers 1) Given a number find the sum of all digits in a number Input: n = 1234 output: 10 Explanation: 1+2+3+4 = 10 2) Given a number check given number is palindrome or not Input: n = 12321 output: Palindrome Input: n = 123 output: not Palindrome 3) Given a number increase each digit by 1 if the digit is 9 make it 0 Input: n = 1798 output: 2809 Explanation: 1 is increased by 1 becomes 2 and the same for the rest of the digits. 4) Given a number find the prime sum Input: n = 2345 output: 10 Explanation: In the given digits 2,3 and 5 are prime digits so find the sum all prime numbers. 5) Find the biggest of 3 numbers Input: a=10, b=20, c=15 output: Biggest is 20 6) Find the highest frequency of d...