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Competitive Programming

What is Competitive Programming ?.

Competitive Programming(CP) is the art of solving the problems(maths, logical, etc..) using any programming languages and providing the solution for all different types of inputs.
For example, your code may work for only a few inputs(Test cases) but this type of code is not accepted completely, thinking of edge cases and coding accordingly will help you in finding the 100% correct solution.

Why Competitive Programming?.

CP is fun, helps you in improving coding, problem-solving skills, think out of the box, good command in coding, it will also help you in cracking the coding interviews with ease and many more.

How to start Competitive Programming?.

First of all, you need to be good at minimum one programming language and start solving the basic coding questions and increase the difficulty level from time to time, see how others solved the same problem and try to find an efficient solution. There are so many online platforms you can get the questions and practice. Tips and Tricks for CP.

Competitive Programming Platforms.

There are so many CP platforms available on the internet some of them are listed below
  1. HackerRank
  2. HackerEarth
  3. GeeksForGeeks
  4. TopCoder
  5. CodeChef 
  6. LeetCode
  7. CodeWars
  8. Codeforces
  9. CoderByte
  10. Project Euler.
Refer below links also
Coding NinjasFreeCodeCamp and Quora.

Cheers keep coding.
