Steps for pushing your code to GitHub repository
Step 1: Create a GitHub Account
Step 2: Create a New repository
Step 3: Download and install gitbash
Step 4: Open your working directory
Step 5: Open command prompt in your working directory
step 6: type git for confirming successful installation of gitbash
step 7: type git init
step 8: type git add . or git add -A for adding all files or git add filename.txt for adding a single file at a time
step 9: type git commit -m "Your message"
step 10: type git remote add origin
step 11: git push -u origin master
Once after successfully pushing your code to GitHub repository, you can use following commands
Step 1: Open command prompt in your working directory
Step 2: type git add -A
Step 3: type git commit -m "Your commit message"
Step 4: type git push
Cheers keep coding
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