Welcome to Mission Hack!!! I am very glad you're here. The purpose of this mission is whoever interested in coding and know some basics of coding is to help them to learn to code from basics to advanced. Cheers keep Coding.
Steps for pushing your code to GitHub repository Step 1: Create a GitHub Account Step 2: Create a New repository Step 3: Download and install gitbash Step 4: Open your working directory Step 5: Open command prompt in your working directory step 6: type git for confirming successful installation of gitbash step 7: type git init step 8: type git add . or git add -A for adding all files or git add filename.txt for adding a single file at a time step 9: type git commit -m "Your message" step 10: type git remote add origin https://github.com/username/repo-name.git step 11: git push -u origin master Once after successfully pushing your code to GitHub repository, you can use following commands Step 1: Open command prompt in your working directory Step 2: type git add -A Step 3: type git commit -m "Your commit message" Step 4: type git push Cheers keep coding